12 Dez

Karrieregespräch mit Marius Merkle (QuantCo)


18:00 Uhr

12. Dezember 2024

Dear students,

We are delighted to invite you to a very special career talk including an exciting workshop with QuantCo.

Are you interested in data science and would like to learn how the discipline can help companies make decisions in a complex world? Are you curious about the opportunities, the working environment and the tasks of a renowned company? Would you like to expand your network and make valuable contacts? Then this career talk with QuantCo is just right for you!

The event will take place on 12 December at 6 pm at QuantCo's premises at Isartor itself. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity, we look forward to seeing you there.

Unfortunately, we have a limited number of places available, so please register directly by email and send us your CV quickly until the 1st of December. You can reach us at any time at info@alumni-muenchen.de. Below you will find all the relevant information for the evening.


QuantCo is a company at the intersection of data science, economics, and engineering that works with some of the largest organizations in the fields of e-commerce, insurance, and healthcare and helps them turn data into decisions. It was started by four Econ PhDs from Harvard and Stanford, and the team has grown to more than 200 members. Their economists, data scientists, software engineers, and machine learning experts create tangible economic impact by pairing state-of-the-art data expertise with business acumen.

Marius Merkle, a business quant working with some of Germany’s largest insurance companies, will lead an interactive workshop on data visualization. After a theoretical introduction, we will do a case study inspired by a real QuantCo project.

Afterward, there will be a Get-Together in the office with colleagues from several teams, and food will be provided. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about potential career paths as an economist or data scientist in the industry and meet with QuantCo in an informal setting.

The event will take place at QuantCo’s office at Isartor on Thursday, December 12th, starting at 6 pm. Since there are limited spots available, please sign up for the event until December 1st. Priority will be given to graduate students, and we will get back to you by December 5th.